
She Feels Guilty For Potentially Ruining Her Long Long Half-Sister’s Family After Telling Her Everything She Knows About Their Father’s Affair

standret - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you got older, did you ever find out you had another sibling or half-sibling that your parents hid from you?

That happens to people sometimes, and it tends to change their life. Other times, people wish they had never known about their long-lost sibling.

One woman recently reached out to her half-sister against her father’s wishes, as he never wanted her to know about him.

She’s 24 and was raised by her father, who was a complicated man. 

Her father had a bad habit of entering relationships with married women throughout his adult life. So much so that he had children with some of these women but never stayed with them, as they wanted to return to their husbands.

One of those children was her half-brother, who didn’t realize he had a different biological father until the man who raised him passed away unexpectedly. She was raised in the care of her father her entire life, so she never had to worry about finding another parent.

But three years ago, she began unraveling information about a long-lost family member and couldn’t let it go.

“When I was in my teens, I noticed my father had many pictures of a young girl on his phone and thought it was very weird,” she said.

“I pressured, asked, and bothered him for months, but he never confessed until 2021. The girl I’ve seen pictures of on his phone is my half-sister, [who] I never knew about.”

standret – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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