
She’s Going On A Trip Instead Of Attending Her Father’s Wedding Since He’s Marrying A Woman He Started Dating Just Two Weeks After Her Mother Died

franciscopgr - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Four years ago, this 18-year-old woman’s mom tragically and unexpectedly passed away after suffering from a virus for less than a month. Leading up to her mom’s death, close friends and family thought she would pull through.

Even on the day she passed away, her mom thought she was going to recover from the virus. Her grandma was always visiting during her mother’s hospitalization.

Barely two weeks later, her dad began a new relationship. While she was mourning the loss of her mom and struggling with immense grief, her dad’s new partner, whom he told her he met at his job, came over to the house often.

Understandably, this was uncomfortable for her because she had no idea who this woman was, and her mother had died just days ago.

Over the years, she wondered if her father had been cheating on her mother with this woman since he started dating her so quickly, but no matter how their relationship began, she had never liked this woman.

“We were all shocked by the fact that my father introduced his girlfriend when we were all grieving. It’s something no one understands to this day,” she said.

Next week, her father and his partner, now his fiancée, are getting married the day before her 21-year-old cousin’s birthday. Recently, her cousin was offered a scholarship to a college overseas.

Her aunt and uncle offered to pay for her cousin to plan a week-long vacation at the beach as a celebration of her scholarship.

She learned that her aunt, uncle, and even some of her cousins aren’t attending her father’s wedding because they’re planning to attend her cousin’s beach trip instead.

franciscopgr – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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