
He Never Told His Girlfriend That He Was Married And Is Still Friends With His Ex-Wife

But, more recently, he and his girlfriend were talking to one of his friends, and they referred to his ex-wife as, well, his ex-wife.

“If you’re curious, we got married right out of high school and didn’t even last more than three years,” he noted.

Anyway, once his girlfriend found out he’d been married before, she was furious. She couldn’t believe that he’d keep that from her. However, to his credit, he reminded her that he’d tried to tell her.

“But she said her past is none of my business, and she told me the same applied to me,” he reasoned.

Well, his girlfriend claimed it was different since he was married. Plus, she accused him of “weaponizing” her words and using them against her.

So now, he’s not sure if never telling his girlfriend that he had an ex-wife – who he was still friends with – was really the wrong thing to do.

Does it seem like he intentionally tried to hide his previous marriage from his girlfriend or not? How do you suggest he handles this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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