
He’s Considering Divorce After His Wife Shattered His Late Sister’s Watch Because He Forgot To Buy Onions At The Grocery Store

NorGal - - illustrative purposes only

This 32-year-old man and his wife, 30, have been married for 6 years. They have a 4-month-old son, and his wife received a postpartum depression diagnosis not long ago.

She started taking medication to manage her PPD, but over the last several months, she’s had occasional outbursts of rage.

“She lashes out. These bouts of anger are usually temporary, and even though they are extremely fierce, I understand it’s a symptom of PPD and sympathize with what my wife’s going through,” he said.

A couple of days ago, he went grocery shopping, but he unfortunately spaced on buying onions, which his wife had given him multiple reminders about. In hindsight, he blamed himself for this because their grocery list was long, and he knew he should have written down a list to check as he shopped.

After arriving home, his wife questioned where the onions were, and he told her he was sorry and forgot to get them, adding that he’d go back to buy them if she needed him to. His wife went into an immediate rage when he told him he’d forgotten to buy onions.

“She grabbed an item from the counter without looking at what the item was and threw it on the floor. However, I knew what the item was, but I was too late before my wife threw it and broke it,” he explained.

The item his wife destroyed was his late sister’s watch. His sister tragically died two years ago from cancer, which was the most difficult and painful loss he’d ever experienced. Before her passing, she gifted him with her watch to remember her.

He’d bought the watch for his sister several years before her death, and she had their names engraved on it. The watch was incredibly meaningful and important to him.

“When my wife broke the watch and shattered it, I felt a bit numb. My wife immediately apologized multiple times and was sobbing heavily. I told my wife it wasn’t her fault, and it was alright,” he shared.

NorGal – – illustrative purposes only

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