
She Died Of Tuberculosis During The New England Vampire Panic, But Her Family Believed She Was Haunting Her Sister, So They Dug Up Her Grave, Removed Her Heart, And Burned It On A Rock

When they encountered Sarah’s remains, they found that she was the least decomposed, even though she was the first to die. The other family members seemed to be in the normal stages of decay.

But Sarah still had fresh blood in her heart. Her hair and nails also appeared to have grown. To them, it was clear who the culprit was. So, her heart was removed and burned on a rock. Stukeley’s wife recovered, but his son passed away.

Sarah Tillinghast’s story shows how fear can spread like wildfire, driving a community to take desperate measures. It also illustrates how folklore can play a part in actions that were performed throughout history.

Sarah’s grave is located in the Tillinghast family plot in Exeter. Some of the graves can be easily identified, but Sarah’s is a little harder to track down. Would you be willing to make the trip to this special historical cemetery?

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