
She Feels Unworthy After Finding Out That Her Ex Is Getting Married When He Told Her He Was Against It

TIGERRAW - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For 11 long years, this 32-year-old woman was with her 35-year-old ex-boyfriend, and they spent 8 of those years living together.

At one point, she told her boyfriend she really wanted to discuss getting married and having children.

It’s always been extremely important to her to have a wedding and babies, and so that’s why she knew she had to bring this up.

Initially, her boyfriend informed her that he was not quite ready to take these next steps in their relationship.

“Years went [by], and he finally told me he was against marriage as an institution and he didn’t want kids ever,” she explained.

“I was almost ready to accept it as I loved him very much but he argued we were going to resent each other if we stayed together as we wanted completely different things in life. The break up was amicable, but it devastated me.”

“Fast forward ~1.5 years after our break up: HE IS GETTING MARRIED. What’s worse, I know the woman. She is someone he was crushing hard on when we first met, but she was dating his friend. I was fresh out of a bad relationship myself, and we sort of bonded over our miserable love lives.”

When she and her ex started dating, he quit hanging out with his crush and his friend, but then that couple got married and went on to have two kids.

Five years ago, his friend sadly passed away. Then, barely four months after she and her ex broke up, he started dating this woman he always had a crush on.

TIGERRAW – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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