
There Are 24.4 Trillion Pieces Of Microplastics In The Ocean, And Whales Are Sadly Ingesting Them

Whales are a huge part of the ecosystem, and if they’re suffering, so are other parts of the system. This is not just bad for whales and other marine creatures.

It also spells trouble for humans, especially since we consume seafood, therefore, we’re consuming microplastics regularly. Plus, microplastics are found in our table salt, the dust in our homes, and even the air we breathe.

They are created by daily activities like doing laundry and driving. Synthetic fibers can be released into the wastewater when washing your clothes, and plastic from tires can be spread around by driving vehicles, which is reportedly one of the largest sources of microplastic waste. So, what can we do to reduce our impact on the environment?

For starters, you can add a filter to your washing machine to catch microfibers. You can also follow instructions to dispose of waste properly so that it doesn’t end up in the sewer.

Finally, you can speak to your local council about environmental policies and pressure corporations to adopt more sustainable practices.

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