These Are The Perfect Companion Plants To Pair With Asparagus And Enhance The Overall Health Of Your Whole Garden

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iMarzi - - illustrative purposes only

Companion planting is not just an old gardener’s tale. It’s a real, strategic move to enhance growth, deter pests, and boost the overall health of your garden.

Think of it this way: every single plant in your yard affects those around it. So, choosing the right plant neighbors can reduce the need for chemical pesticides and fertilizers or other interventions.

And when it comes to asparagus, which remains in the same spot for years, having the right companions can make a big difference in its productivity and longevity.

So, here are some of the best companion plants for asparagus, as well as how to help them thrive together in your own garden.

1. Basil

This aromatic herb does more than just enhance your pizza or pasta sauce – it can also repel asparagus beetles, one of the main pests of asparagus.

Basil emits a strong scent that beetles simply find off-putting. So, planting basil around your asparagus can help protect those emerging spears.

For best results, be sure to plant basil in sunny spots with well-drained soil and keep the soil moist to encourage lush growth.

2. Dill

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Another fragrant friend for asparagus, dill attracts beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings, which prey on common garden pests like aphids.

So, this relationship will benefit your asparagus by keeping pest populations in check.

Dill thrives in the same conditions as asparagus, making them garden roommates that really get along. All you have to do is plant dill in full sun and use light, well-draining soil to see it prosper.

3. Parsley

Parsley is a workhorse like none other in the garden. It attracts beneficial insects and can also enhance the flavor of asparagus when planted nearby.

On top of that, its dense foliage helps to retain soil moisture, which benefits asparagus’s deep roots.

Parsley just likes full or partial sun and rich, moist soil. Thankfully, it’s very easy to grow and only needs regular watering to flourish alongside your asparagus.

4. Strawberries

Strawberries and asparagus make for more than just a delicious spring salad because they are beneficial to each other underground, too.

Strawberries actually help to suppress weeds, which can be particularly pesky around slow-growing asparagus.

But, you should plant strawberries around the perimeter of your asparagus bed to maximize sunlight exposure and ensure that they don’t shade your asparagus plants.

5. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are another good neighbor for asparagus since they produce solanine, a natural chemical that repels asparagus beetles. In return, asparagus may also help ward off some root nematodes that can affect tomatoes.

This mutually beneficial relationship can be maximized by ensuring that tomatoes have plenty of sunlight and staking them to improve air circulation, which is actually beneficial for both plants.

6. Peas

Last but not least, peas are legumes, which means they fix nitrogen in the soil, and nitrogen is an essential nutrient for the heavy feeding asparagus.

So, planting peas nearby can enhance soil fertility, ultimately benefiting your asparagus spears.

Just keep in mind that peas prefer cooler weather, so they’re ideal to plant in early spring or fall. Also, like asparagus, they need full sun to partial shade and well-draining soil.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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