
Yes, You Actually Have To Dust Your Houseplants: Here’s Why And How Often You Should Do It To Keep Your Greenery Healthy

Some houses are dustier than others, like those that are located near farms, areas with dirt roads, empty lots, ongoing construction work, or windy places. In that case, you will likely need to clean your houseplants at least every other week or so.

The best way to determine when it’s time for a cleaning is to rub your fingers on the foliage. If you can feel or see any dust, then you should clean the leaves.

How To Clean Your Plants

For most indoor plants, a soft, damp cloth is all you need to wipe off the dust and dislodge any insects. You can also mist your plants with water before going in with the cloth.

When cleaning, use one hand to support the underside of each leaf as you run the dust cloth over it. It will help you avoid accidentally harming your plant.

Some plants require different techniques. For example, if you have fuzzy-leafed plants such as African violets, panda plants, or certain types of begonia, dust particles will become trapped between the fine plant hairs.

A simple cloth won’t be effective in getting them clean. Instead, use a soft paintbrush or a can of compressed air to blow out the dust.

Another way to clean off plants is to take them into your shower or sink. Rinse them off with a gentle spray of lukewarm water. Keep the water pressure low and refrain from exposing your plants to extreme temperatures so the leaves don’t get damaged.

This method is especially helpful for plants with numerous leaves or intricate foliage. It also saves time, allowing you to clean and water your plants simultaneously.

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