
Yes, You Actually Have To Dust Your Houseplants: Here’s Why And How Often You Should Do It To Keep Your Greenery Healthy

Yura Yarema - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

As you must know, it doesn’t take long for dust to accumulate on all surfaces of your home, including any indoor plants you might own. Unfortunately, houseplants are not immune to collecting dust. In that particular way, they’re just like any other decor or furniture piece in your home.

Although it may seem like a tedious task, keeping your plants free of dust is important to their health. You know that watering them regularly and providing them with enough sunlight is essential for them to thrive. Well, a thorough cleaning is also a crucial part of basic plant care.

A periodic dusting can enhance both your plant and your indoor environment. So, whenever you start your spring cleaning, make sure to give some attention to your plants, too.

Why You Should Dust Your Indoor Plants

Nobody wants a dusty plant. It doesn’t look as lively, and it makes your house look dirtier. But aside from aesthetics, the grime can affect your plant’s ability to nourish itself. A layer of dust on leaves can block sunlight, preventing your plant from photosynthesizing properly.

Over time, the dust can clog the pores on your plant’s leaves, which it uses to breathe. This can lead to a decline in growth and health.

Furthermore, pests can hide in the dust, so you might not notice them until they’ve already taken over and done a fair amount of damage to your plant. As you can see, dust can leave it more susceptible to disease and pest infestations.

How Often To Clean Your Houseplants

Figuring out how frequently you should dust really depends on where you live and how much dust is in the air at your home.

Yura Yarema – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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