Even If You Can’t Afford To Be A “Lady Who Lunches” During The Workday, You Can Still Channel Old-Money Energy Into Your Outfits

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TravelMedia - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

I don’t know about you, but I first learned about the “ladies who lunch” through the song Elaine Strich sang in the Stephen Sondheim musical, “Cabaret.”

If you don’t know much about the phrase, ‘ladies who lunch’ is an umbrella term for wealthy socialite women who don’t have to work traditional jobs and love to meet up for nice lunches during the workday.

These ladies are not just about leisurely lunches; they are also known for their impeccable fashion sense, always dressed to the nines.

While many younger women don’t have the luxury of being a ‘lady who lunches’ these days, it’s still fun to channel that energy and deep dive into their fashion.

The ‘ladies who lunch’ fashion trend is starting to take over social media, and there are a few specific pieces that can bring your bougie lunch outfit to the next level.

First, you’ll want to bring a sort of “Gossip Girl” and old-money preppy energy into your outfits. The quickest way to do this is to have more structured pieces on hand, like blazers, tweed jackets, and dresses.

Honestly, you can’t go wrong with tweed material anything, including jackets, skirts, vests, etc.

Another thing to keep in mind is that ladies who lunch would never be caught dead in clunky sneakers during their luncheons.

If you really want to follow this trend, you’ll pick out your cutest pair of heels. Kitten heels work, too! If you have to wear sneakers, they should be from a nice designer brand and overall as chic as possible.

TravelMedia – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

You’ll want to stick with elegant, classic pieces when it comes to jewelry for this trend. That includes diamond (or faux diamond) stud earrings, pearl necklaces, tennis bracelets, etc. You don’t want anything too flashy, but you also want your jewelry to be noticeable. 

There are more fun accessories you can include in your lunching lady fashion looks as well. For instance, never underestimate the power of a classy hat or some trendy oval-shaped sunglasses, especially if you’ll be spending time outdoors.

Hopefully, these tips will give you an idea of where to start when assembling an outfit that’s perfect for channeling the energy of a lady who loves lunching. Enjoy the luxurious feeling!

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