Calling All Twenty-Somethings Who Are Questioning Their Life Path And Decisions: Here’s How To Cope With The “Quarter-Life Crisis”

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

More people in their 20s have been outspoken about going through a ‘quarter-life crisis.’

Most people know what a mid-life crisis is, as it happens to a lot of people when they turn 40 and have already accomplished so much in their lives.

However, a quarter-life crisis represents just as important of a transitional period. 

Any person over 30 reading this will likely agree that your mid to late 20s is a crazy time. By then, you’re usually done with school, have moved out of your parents’ house, and are trying to figure out what you want to do with your life.

As someone in their mid-20s, I can testify that the quarter-life crisis is real, and while it has its varying levels of severity, it’s still something we shouldn’t try to brush off.

So, if you’re in your 20s and entering or in the middle of your quarter-life crisis, questioning if you’re making the right decisions, here are some tips for getting through it.

Don’t try to brush things off

It’s crucial not to suppress your feelings during a quarter-life crisis. We often tend to be hard on ourselves and feel overwhelmed during these transitional times.

These are the years of making mistakes and having doubts, and if you try to ignore any sadness or anxiety you experience, it’s only going to intensify. It’s important to acknowledge how you feel, talk it out, or write it down, and most importantly, not to ignore it.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Set smaller goals

I think many people in their 20s, myself included, get very overwhelmed during these years because people want us to focus on the ‘big picture.’ If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me where I see myself in 10 years, I’d be rich.

If focusing on the big picture stresses you out, set smaller goals for yourself. Start with moving into or organizing your new apartment. Strive to make friends at work. Focus on designing a website. These smaller goals will prepare you for your bigger future without burning you out.

Do what you want

By this, I don’t necessarily mean you should do whatever you feel like doing all the time to the point where it prevents you from being productive, but I do mean you should take your 20s as a time to explore your interests and try new things.

Many adults say the best part about being in your 20s is that you’re not tied down or limited because of marriage or kids. Now is the time to practice your interests, try new hobbies and activities, and spend your days how you want. Celebrate your newfound freedom instead of panicking because of it!

Rely on your friends, but don’t compare yourself to them

Your friends who are also going through a mid-life crisis and in a similar era to you will be the best people to stick by during this time. They can understand what you’re going through, and you can get through the hard times together.

However, you have to remember that sometimes, your friend may achieve a bit more or succeed faster by landing their ideal job before you. Those are moments when you must remember to support your friends without comparing yourself to them. Then, when you have your moment, your friends will return the favor.

Again, a quarter-life crisis can be scary and intimidating. It’s easy to feel lost and alone in your 20s as you try to build the adult life of your dreams. If things get really bad, you can always seek help from a professional counselor or therapist.

But for now, remember to take deep breaths and take things one day at a time. Someday in the far future, you’ll look back on these years and miss them, so do your best to enjoy them!

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