Her Boyfriend Suddenly Wants To Join The Navy, And She’s Dumping Him If He Goes Through With This Plan

alzay - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only
alzay - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

It’s been four years now that this 23-year-old woman and her 24-year-old boyfriend have been together.

Yesterday, her boyfriend told her that he wants his life to account for something “honorable.” He then stated he’s probably going to enlist in the Navy.

She asked him to clarify his timeline on this, as she figured he probably meant one day he would like to be in the Navy, but her boyfriend insisted he’s ready to enlist now.

Back when they first began dating, her boyfriend did say he was interested in the Navy, but he wasn’t able to join as he has ADHD and was prescribed Adderall. But three years ago, he stopped taking his medication.

And just recently, her boyfriend got accepted into a tech school for an engineering program while she completed her pre-law degree.

Moving in together soon and marriage are some of the topics they have been talking about lately, which is why she felt blindsided by her boyfriend bringing up the Navy.

“He made a statement about how everything he’s worked on in his lifetime would be scrapped if he made this decision, and I told him that included our relationship,” she explained.

“Becoming a military wife just isn’t for me. I love him, but I’m not willing to uproot my entire life to follow him.”

She can’t understand why her boyfriend would want to be in the Navy, as it would require him to be deployed for long stretches of time.

alzay – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

So they won’t be able to see one another that often, and she knows they can’t sustain a relationship this way.

She’s extremely independent within their relationship, but her boyfriend is incredibly clingy and definitely won’t be up for not seeing her routinely.

“I’m not sure he realizes that making a career in the military is not as glamorous as it is in the movies,” she said.

“If he chooses to go through with this decision, I will support him, but ultimately, we will have to end the relationship.”

“I’m just hurt, and that feels selfish to be upset knowing that this is something he’s wanted to do.”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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