Her Mom Wants To Get Rid Of Their Senior Cat Just To Adopt Another Cat That Has A More Affectionate Personality

Africa Studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat
Africa Studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

This woman’s parents had three pet cats named Daisy, Sohpie, and Oliver. However, her 77-year-old mom was particularly attached to one feline – Daisy.

“[Daisy] would only snuggle with my mom and always wanted to be by her side,” she recalled.

But sadly, Daisy passed away quite recently, and ever since then, Oliver has sort of taken on Daisy’s role – snuggling with her mom every night now that Daisy isn’t around anymore.

However, during the day, Oliver also hangs out and snuggles with her father – which is why her mom views Oliver more as her dad’s pet.

As for her parents’ other cat, Sophie, that feline also likes to lay on her mom or hang out above her mom’s head on the recliner. Still, even though they adopted Sophie about seven years ago, her mom doesn’t view that cat the same way she saw Daisy.

“Sophie is a sweet cat but isn’t a cuddler nor as affectionate as Daisy was,” she explained.

“My parents think Sophie has a ‘snooty personality.’ My parents adopted her in 2015 and she was an adult cat, so she is at least 10 years old now.”

So, following Daisy’s passing, her mom started talking to her dad about adopting another cat. Apparently, in their family, it’s a tradition to adopt another cat after one of their pets passes away.

Well, her dad is actually the one who ends up taking care of the pets. That’s why, when her mom brought up the idea of adopting another, he said no because he didn’t want to take care of three cats anymore.

Africa Studio – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

“He said you would have to get rid of one, and my mom said she would take Sophie to the shelter and get another cat,” she revealed.

In her mind, though, it would be incredibly cruel to just give away Sophie. After all, Sophie is a senior cat that they’ve had for years.

That’s why she said it would make her mom a jerk to put Sophie through such stress and sadness just to get another cat and hope that the new pet has a personality more like Daisy.

“Am I right?” she asked.

Honestly, she’s not too sure. And now, she’s wondering if getting rid of Sophie really would make her mom a jerk or if she’s in the wrong for trying to deny her mom the chance of finding another cat that she bonds with more.

Do you agree that giving up an older pet just to get another one isn’t fair? How should she handle this situation?

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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