
His Girlfriend Came Across The Engagement Ring He Bought For Her And Is Now Demanding A Bigger Diamond

He can’t believe his girlfriend was upset about the size of the diamond in the ring he thoughtfully picked out for her and felt it could be bigger.

He admitted to his girlfriend that he was deeply saddened over her focusing on something so shallow and materialistic.

He’s been dating his girlfriend for the last three years, and in the past, she’s always been thrilled about the littlest gestures he would show her.

Anytime he bought her a water bottle or a tiny gift, she would be so grateful and excited that he thought of her.

So, given how she’s always acted, you can see why he was horrified that she demanded a bigger diamond ring.

“I feel like this was showing me her true colors, and I can’t shake the feeling of disappointment. Especially since I was planning to propose in the next two weeks,” he concluded.

Do you think he should reconsider proposing to his girlfriend over her reaction to the diamond?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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