Want To Take Control Of Your Life Using Manifestation? Here’s A Guide On How To Get Started

The following column is the opinion and analysis of the writer. Manifesting has been all over social media for years. But, ever since 2020, the trend has witnessed an astronomical surge– especially on TikTok.
And while the video platform is home to all kinds of niches with dedicated content creators, #SpirtualityTok has arguably one of the most dedicated viewer bases of community members.
There, users from around the globe have been eating up content about spiritual awakenings, horoscopes, crystals, and, of course, manifestation.
But where exactly did manifesting come from, and how can you actually do it?
Well, the idea that you can will your goals into existence is a phenomenon based on the Law of Attraction– a philosophy suggesting that thinking positive thoughts will yield positive results in an individual’s life.
This law was a major player in the New Thought movement of the 1830s and was first theorized by Phineas Quimby in the early nineteenth century.
The idea that our thoughts are energy, and have the power to influence our reality, also has roots in numerous philosophical and religious traditions– ranging from Transcendentalism and Hermeticism to Hinduism.
So, if you believe in the power of manifestation, then you are essentially placed into the driver’s seat– taking control of the vehicle that is your own life.
And any positive or negative effects that come to you are thought to be your own responsibility, a product of your own thinking.

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This belief that we can bring personal growth, good fortune, self-love, and countless other benefits into our lives by thinking positive thoughts especially blossomed during the COVID-19 pandemic– which makes sense because so many of us were wrestling with uncertainty and fear.
Even now, though, manifestation has not gone anywhere. Plus, there are millions of individuals who literally swear by the power of their own psyches.
So, if you have been searching for a new way to enter 2025, you might want to try manifestation out for size. Here’s how you can get started.
1. Analyze Your Life And Be Ultra Specific About What You Want
When you are dipping your toe into the manifestation pool, it is best to pick one goal or benefit to focus on. So, take a close look at your life and pick a single “thing” you would like to will into existence.
For some, this may be self-love. For others, this may be more money or a romantic partner. Regardless of what you choose to manifest, though, there is one detail you cannot forget: you must be specific.
Take money, for instance. You have to think about how much money you want and what deadline you would like to have this financial gain by. You should also reflect on how it would feel to come into possession of that much money and what you would do with it.
Or, if you would like a romantic partner, approach this same goal in a similar way. Imagine what your partner might look like, where you might meet them, and when. Also, how would they make you feel, and how would you treat them?
Then, grab a piece of paper and begin writing down all of these specifics. Allow your mind to visualize your manifestation goal as if it were already a reality, and jot down your emotions as they run wild.
2. Get Your Mindset In Check
We are always our own worst critics. And if you are working on manifesting your ideal reality, this can be damning.
Constantly thinking limiting beliefs– whether they be about your appearance, success, or current living situation– is not helpful. In fact, if you truly want self-acceptance or financial abundance– but believe that you are not worthy of it in your heart– then you will only lessen the chance of that goal coming to fruition.
So, we have to think uplifting, positive, and self-loving thoughts. The hardest part, though, is that we actually have to believe them.
3. Take Intentional Action
Depending on your goal, this step will likely look very different from person to person. But, it is important to put in any work you can toward achieving your manifestation intention. Then, the universe is supposed to take care of the rest.
If you would love to be a part of a budding romance in 2025, for example, start putting yourself out there!
You will never meet anyone by going straight home after work and curling up on the couch to watch Netflix– even though we are all guilty of that more times than not.
Instead, begin placing yourself in social situations. Hit a restaurant with a friend, take yourself on a solo coffee date, or sign up for an art class.
Do things that you enjoy where others can interact with you, and perhaps the person you have been manifesting will cross your path– all thanks to the universe.
4. Gratitude Is Key
Manifestation is not about reveling in the struggles of your current life and wishing for more. On the contrary, you must be aware of how much you already possess to be thankful for.
This shift in mindset from thinking of your life as “lacking” to “full of abundance” is not always easy. But, by practicing gratitude, it is definitely possible.
You can start with a daily gratitude journal, where, every single morning or evening, you write down three things you are grateful for.
Perhaps your mom stopped by to help you around the house, or your dog is your most loyal companion. Maybe you are simply glad to have a stable housing situation or a great dinner on a Friday evening.
By taking stock of your life and writing down a few highlights of each day, you will start to realize that you have a lot more to be grateful for. Sometimes, you just have to slow down and reflect in order to realize it.
5. Connect With Your Spiritual Side
“Raising your vibration” can come in a wide range of forms. For some, this is getting in touch with other areas of spirituality.
For others, this is taking part in a wide range of practices– from yoga and meditation to waking up early, listening to self-development podcasts, getting exercise, and journaling.
You can even start by simply surrounding yourself with like-minded and positive people who can serve as inspiring accountability buddies.
The opportunities to connect more deeply with yourself, others, and the world around you are limitless and completely for your choosing.
6. Be Open & Good Things Will Come
In order for manifestation to realize in your life, you have to be accepting of what comes to you. Entering this state of “flow,” per se, will also give you a greater sense of community.
In order to make this happen, begin pouring your energy into anything that is in line with your goals. Get out of the house, attend social gatherings, sign up for classes or workshops, and simply do anything that makes you happy.
Then, as you enter these environments, you will start to attract more like-minded people who can help you along the path to fulfilling your goals.
Manifesting Is A Way Of Life
A common misconception is that by “checking a box”– for instance, manifesting each morning for 20 minutes– you will bring immense change in your life. But, the concept is much deeper than that, tied to wholehearted belief and intention in every area of your life.
Yes, it is great to visualize your goals and speak them into existence every day. However, after you are done, you cannot leave your manifestation goals on the journal page.
Instead, try to bring them with you everywhere you go and let them guide your decision-making. For instance, what activities you engage in, how you treat others, and how you allow others to treat you.
Once you let your manifestation inform your way of life, that is when true change and self-growth will start to take place.
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