
This Toddler Is Absolutely Positive Her Dad Is Really Heath Ledger And TikTok Can’t Help But Adore Her

San Diego, California. Imagine having a doppelganger or being a twin. What if you had a celebrity-like appearance? Wouldn’t that be a ton of fun?

Seeing double is both entertaining and fascinating, and a man named Zeth from San Diego has people on the internet saying he looks just like Heath Ledger.

I mean, he does have beautiful, long blonde locks, and that alone is definitely similar to the way Heath wore his hair in A Knight’s Tale.

Zeth wasn’t quite sure he could pass for Heath, so he figured he should see if his toddler daughter thought he passed the look-alike test.

TikTok; pictured above Zeth isn’t quite convinced he looks like Heath

“I don’t know about that. Let’s ask Saylor,” Zeth replied when he realized people found a resemblance between him and Heath.

Saylor is Zeth’s 2-year-old girl, and Zeth sat down to show Saylor a few photos. He showed her a photo of him first, followed by a second photo of him, and then a photo of Heath.

TikTok; pictured above Zeth asks Saylor to tell him who is in that photo

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