For 3 Years This Couple Has Struggled With Pregnancy Loss And Infertility: Now They’re Raising Money To Start IVF

Huntsville, Alabama. Will and Joanna Bradley had always hoped to have children. But, for the past three years, the couple has struggled with infertility and pregnancy loss.
Now, Joanna has launched a GoFundMe campaign to support IVF treatment and their dream of having a family.
At the end of 2018, the couple decided that they were finally ready to begin their family. They tried for nine months until Joanna finally tested positive.
“We were, of course, so excited. But, I eventually miscarried in August of 2019,” Joanna recalled, “It was one of the hardest things we’d walked through up to that point.”
The couple was heartbroken, and Joanna specifically felt guilty for being unable to sustain the pregnancy. They took a few months to heal together and began trying again. In February of 2020, the couple tested positive again. But, by March, they also lost their second pregnancy.
“I was devastated and incredibly discouraged. Grief engulfed me, and I had a very hard time simply showing up to my own life,” Joanna explained.
The couple continued trying but suffered another year of negative pregnancy tests. Eventually, Joanna admitted to herself that she was suffering from infertility.
“Because I had been pregnant twice before, I had a hard time letting myself admit this very real fact– we needed help,” Joanna said, “After lots of therapy to help me navigate the pain and confusion, I finally allowed myself to start seeking out more answers with my doctors.”
GoFundMe; pictured above are Will and Joanna
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After visiting the doctor, Joanna found out that her egg count was low. She was then referred to a fertility doctor this past summer, where she underwent numerous blood tests, labs, and ultrasounds.
At first, Joanna’s doctor recommended she undergo Intrauterine Insemination.
She became “cautiously optimistic” and really believed she would finally become pregnant. But, it did not go as planned.
“I started the first round of meds but, after completing them and having the follow-up ultrasound, my doctor found that I didn’t respond well at all,” Joanna said.
“He was also concerned about some other findings during the ultrasound and, because of this, I was scheduled for a diagnostic laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.”
Joanna underwent the surgery in October 2021 and discovered life-altering news– she was born with a unicornuate uterus, a rare genetic uterine condition.
“I was born with only half of my uterus, the right side, and just my right fallopian tube,” Joanna said, “Only one in four thousand women are diagnosed with this condition.”
Besides this, Joanna’s doctor also found out that her ovaries are very small. Her left ovary is also very high and almost reaches her ribcage. Due to the location, Joanna’s doctor was unsure if it was even producing eggs.
Anyone receiving this news would likely be devastated– just like Joanna was. She shed many tears and took to google to read about other stories similar to hers.
Then, she finally had an IVF consultation. After taking her medical history into account, Joanna’s doctor recommended banking eggs immediately.
“Because I likely won’t produce as many eggs each cycle, we will do multiple retrieval cycles to increase our store,” Joanna explained.
Each retrieval lasts for about three weeks, with a new cycle occurring every two months.
The whole process will last about six months before the couple undergoes their first egg transfer. Joanna is hopeful that this storage period will also allow her to have more children in the future.
The couple’s first egg retrieval is scheduled for January of 2022. But, it will not be a cheap process by any means. IVF is particularly expensive, and the couple’s insurance will not cover any of it.
“We are budgeting around thirty thousand dollars currently, but anticipate the total cost to be over this amount,” Joanna explained, “This includes all three retrieval cycles, genetic testing, and the IVF medication.”
Joanna and Will have humbly asked the GoFundMe community to support their hopeful journey to parenthood.
So far, just under fifty people have donated to their cause– raising just over four thousand dollars of their thirty-thousand dollar goal.
“I’ve struggled with infertility and loss and completely understand the pain and questions it brings. We’ve now done two rounds of IVF, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or just need to vent. We’re praying for you!” wrote Katie Novitski, who donated fifty dollars.
To donate to Will and Joanna or to simply stay updated on their journey, you can visit the GoFundMe link here.
“We are so grateful for all of the love and support we’ve received thus far on our journey and can’t wait to see where this leads– hopefully to baby Bradley!” Joanna said.
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