She Has To Choose Between Her Boyfriend And Her Dream Job By Tomorrow

A 25-year-old woman has been dating her 28-year-old boyfriend Jake for the last two years, and she loves him.

Their relationship is wonderful, and they moved in together in December.

Now, she’s forced to choose between Jake and a dream job that she was recently offered, and she’s got to decide by tomorrow at the latest.

“Last week I got a job offer for a job I applied to (did exams for, interviews, etc) a year ago,” she explained.

“The catch is that this position is in a city 3 hours away from my current home and not in any of the locations I had originally applied for.”

“I am faced with an impossible decision move cities for a great opportunity leaving my life behind or stay in my current home and job.”

“My BF and I have had countless conversations about this and neither of us can see a way where it would work out between us, if I left.”

Jake already has the job of his dreams, and she doesn’t feel it’s right to ask him to quit and move just for her.

Regardless, she knows this isn’t even an option for Jake. He wants to stay where he is and working at what he does.

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The job that she has been offered is super rare, but the place where she has to work is completely less than ideal for her.

It’s in a particular city that she really basically hates, and she would have to move there all on her own.

She doesn’t have any family members or friends in this city, and if she does accept the job she’s going to be stuck there for a minimum of 3 to 5 years.

During those next couple of years, there’s pretty much no way she would be eligible to transfer to where she lives right now.

“That length of time for a long-distance relationship does not sound feasible, fun, or healthy,” she said. “Jake is super supportive and has said he supports whichever decision I make.”

“My parents however have been adamant that I should take this job and that Jake should move with me, or just do distance.”

“I am absolutely torn. I love everything about my current life, apart from my current job. If I took the job I would have the job and nothing else.”

It’s a difficult decision for her to have to make. Should she leave the life and boyfriend that she loves for her dream job? What if she doesn’t love that job?

She has until tomorrow to make her choice, and she’s completely distraught.

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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