
These Women Thought They Lost “The One,” But Ended Up Finding Much Better Partners

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Ending a relationship, especially one that lasts long-term, can be terrifying. Many people wonder if they lost “the one” and will ever find another person who can make them feel as comfortable and in love.

While this fear is natural, it is far from the truth. One Reddit user named Kiwithecthulhu recently asked women on the internet to share their stories. Many thought they lost “their one,” only to find someone who truly made them much happier.

She Was Broken Up With, Out Of Nowhere, Over The Phone

“I was in a relationship for about three years. Then, he unexpectedly dumped me as soon as I got back into America. I was out of the country for a few weeks and it happened as soon as I had service. It was really awful to be broken up with that way.”

“My phone was also blown up with charming and long texts from a friend. He told me how much he missed me while I was gone. He did not even know that I had been dumped yet, but his texts made me feel much better. They also made me believe maybe they were a sign.”

“He had always begged for me to give him a chance, but I constantly turned him down for years! So, I gave in, drove two hours to see him after I got back from the airport, and something just clicked with us. It was so weird, and I never expected to feel that way about him.”

“After I saw him that day, I was hooked. The guy I always turned away and turned down ended up being my soulmate, and I adore him with everything I have.”

“We’ve now been married for seven years, together for eleven years total, and we have a seven-year-old. Your person is out there, I promise. They will walk into your life when you least expect it.”


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