
He Was Arrested For Drunk Driving, But Now He Credits His Arresting Officer With Saving His Life

Mark Poprocki -

We would never know when or under what occasion the turning point of our lives might occur. Yet, sometimes, what might seem to be the worse circumstance could have the best outcome.

To Jake Bosacker, it was what happened to him. The best help that he was given came from the police officer who arrested him for drunk driving in 2017.

You see, Jake has a dream. He wants to bring the best out of himself from any perspective, and he has a dream career in law enforcement.

So in 2017, 21-year-old Jake had a plan for himself: Quit drinking, move back home to Minnesota with his parents from his college in Texas, take a semester off, and get a job. He had it all planned out to give himself enough time to pursue his dream job.

However, the reality doesn’t always go as planned. During Jake’s first night back in Minnesota, Jake had already gone out with a few of his buddies to a local bar. And the story just kept going down south from there.

Then, on September 9, 2017, Jake was pulled over by State Trooper Keenan Jones for a DWI (Drive While Intoxicated).

“I think I was trying to get home, but I was going the opposite direction,” Jake later recalled.

Jake also recalled a nosebleed when he rolled down the window after being pulled over. Trooper Jones had found some Fireball Cinnamon Whisky in the back seat of his car as well.

While sitting in Trooper Jones’ squad car, Jake had a mental breakdown as he thought he had lost all hopes to enter the law enforcement field since Jake had broken the law for drunk driving, and this record will follow him wherever he goes.

Mark Poprocki –

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