
Her Mother-In-Law Stole Her Cat, So She Called The Police On Her

Valeri Luzina -

A 20-year-old woman has a 63-year-old mother-in-law who tends to get really over the top and controlling.

Anything that her 21-year-old partner does, her mother-in-law tries to maintain control over. Her partner really doesn’t see how bad his own mom is, but she’s not fooled.

Additionally, her mother-in-law has kept her partner extremely sheltered from “the real world” and after her partner moved out of the house to go to college a year ago, his mom has gotten even crazier.

Also last year, her partner’s grandma passed away, and they adopted her cat named Noodle.

Not that long ago, she and her partner went on a spring break trip, and after they couldn’t find anyone to watch Noodle, they decided to leave her home alone.

“She had bird videos, more than enough food, and more than enough water,” she explained. “She has been left alone for a lot longer by my partner’s parents and aunt, who she had lived with before.”

“So, the day that we were supposed to come home from our trip, we had our car broken into and they stole my partner’s camera and my house and car keys as well as my ID.”

“We then spent the day trying to find our belongings and the entire time, his mom (my MIL) was calling us and complaining about us leaving the cat.”

She did reach out to her mother-in-law to inform her about the theft and break-in, but her mother-in-law wasn’t concerned at all.

Valeri Luzina –

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