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She Decided To Call CPS On Her Boyfriend In Order To Rescue His 8-Year-Old Daughter

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If you had the chance to make a difference in a child’s life and rescue them from a bad situation, would you go the extra mile, even if it meant putting yourself at risk or inconveniencing yourself?

One woman bravely decided to call CPS on her boyfriend in order to rescue his 8-year-old daughter, and then she stayed with this guy for months after making that call in order to make sure his daughter would get out safely.

This woman is the definition of a selfless hero, and her story begins right after she started dating her boyfriend and went to his house for the very first time.

As she began spending more time with her boyfriend and his 8-year-old daughter, she realized that her boyfriend was an awful dad.

Not only did her boyfriend not care about keeping his home safe and clean for his daughter, but he also had no interest in being involved in his daughter’s life at all.

Her boyfriend’s daughter split her time between his house and her biological mom’s house, where things were no better for this poor girl.

“When she was at his house all she would do was sit on her phone on Tiktok with headphones in,” she explained.

“The whole day. I wish it was an exaggeration. The only food they ate was leftovers he brought home from his nursing home cook job (1 meal a day).”

“I bought her shoes as hers were literally falling apart, I went to her parent-teacher conferences. She smelled really bad and never brushed her hair.”

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