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She Went On 4 Dates With A Guy, And Every Single Time He Wore The Same Clothes

djile -

A 35-year-old woman met a man on a dating app who is 36 and works as an anesthesiologist. She has been on exactly 4 dates with this guy, and there’s one thing that really is bothering her; for every single date, he has shown up wearing the same clothes as before.

She always puts a lot of effort into her own appearance for their dates, including doing her nails and hair and picking out a fancy outfit, so she’s confused as to why this guy has worn nothing but the same thing.

Given the fact that he works as an anesthesiologist, she thinks that he has to make enough money to afford to purchase new clothing.

This guy has only recently moved to her country after obtaining his physician’s license, and he’s from the Eastern part of Europe. He also told her that he has never tried a dating app before.

That’s just some background information, but I don’t think any of that points to a reason as to why he’s wearing the same outfit to all their dates.

It is driving her crazy though that he wears the same outfit, as she takes it to be a sign that he does not put any kind of effort into their dates.

“He’s very nice on the dates and shows a lot of interest and tells me that I’m beautiful but he hasn’t shared his number with me, we’ve only spoken on Tinder,” she explained.

“I’m not sure how to move forward and if it’s even worth it to continue dating him.”

She clarified that she doesn’t want to come across as “shallow” for thinking it matters that he puts some work into his appearance, and it’s something that she considers to be important.

djile –

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