
She’s Hoping To Head To Mexico For A Treatment That Could Save Her Life

Rebecca is a 26-year-old who has Multiple Sclerosis, a degenerative disease progressing rapidly.

Rebecca’s aunt posted the GoFundMe in the hopes of raising $125,000 to fund her MS treatment in Mexico since it is not available in their home country, Australia.

Currently, Rebecca’s last chance for survival would be stem cell treatment and chemotherapy. According to her aunt’s post, her MS has resulted in “paralysis from the waist; no bladder or bowel function … neuropathic pain from the left side of her face to her waist; swallowing difficulties including lung aspirations and visual loss with optical neuritis and sensory loss.”

Nurses attend to Rebecca three times a day, and she has undergone multiple rounds of chemotherapy treatment.

She first began experiencing issues with her health at 12 years old, when she was taken in for an MRI at a hospital in Melbourne, Australia.

There, doctors found “grey lesions” in her brain, and at 19 years old, she underwent chemo for a brain tumor.

Now, her neurological treatments are failing. But thankfully, she’s been accepted into a program in Mexico, which her aunt described in the GoFundMe post.

Rebecca would undergo “bone marrow stem cell transplant and aggressive chemotherapy, which has scientifically proven to halt the disease progression with the hope of reversing some of the damage caused to her central nervous system. This will work by completely killing off Rebecca’s immune system of all stem cells and rebooting it with new harvested stem cells.”

The treatments have had a 78% positive outcome, and Rebecca remains hopeful. She even started a blog to inspire others in a similar situation.

GoFundMe; pictured above is Rebecca

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