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His Brother’s Girlfriend Sent Him A List Of Things She Expects Him To Do Around His House Before Inviting The Family Over For Easter So He Banned Her


A 31-year-old man has a brother named Tom who is 2 years younger than he is. Tom is currently dating a girl, Harper, and his brother has been seeing her for 4 years now.

Tom has no plans of marrying Harper, yet Harper insists that she is his sister-in-law.

“They have no kids and Harper doesn’t work,” he explained. “This would be fine if they didn’t struggle financially.”

“They had to move in with my parents because of debt. My family thinks Harper is lazy and she compensates by being a “perfect housewife.” Harper puts all of her “free” time into party planning, as in planning our family’s birthday and holidays, which we never asked for and don’t like.”

Harper just acts like she’s the professional appointed planner of everything in their lives, and they all hate it.

One of Harper’s favorite things to do when planning family events is to make spreadsheets of chores and things that everyone is expected to do. She basically bosses everyone around in these spreadsheets.

Harper includes who should buy food, who is invited, who is in charge of cleaning up, what the attire is for everyone, what the color scheme for the event is, and what the budget for the event is.

His entire family rolls their eyes at Harper when she rolls out her spreadsheets, as they never want nor need her help.

After Harper gets told off, she always shows up to the family event and pouts since she wasn’t allowed to boss everyone around.


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