
These Women Shared What They Think The Best Parts Of “Adulting” Actually Are


“Independence is the deal. I had almost none up until college because I was a girl. The freedom of deciding for your own life is amazing.”

“I used to get the urge to ‘run’ when I was younger. But now, I just remind myself that I go home to my place, on my own terms, to be whoever I want.”


You Pick Your Social Circle

“This is a huge plus for me. As I grow older, I am getting very picky about who I give my energy to. No more half-hearted friendships or people with whom I have to try extra hard to please!”


No Bed Time

“If I want to stay up all night or spend all day in my pajamas, I can please myself and do it!”


Plus, No Bed Time= No More Forbidden Midnight Snacks

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