
This Grandma Went ViralOn TikTok For Making It Clear What She Wants The Rules At Her Funeral To Be

This 92-year-old TikTok star, who goes by Grandma_droniak, has the internet cracking up with her sweet yet to-the-point videos.

One video has an impressive 30.2 million views and lists the “rules” for her funeral whenever that ends up happening.

She captioned the video, “it won’t be any time soon but don’t forget it.”

Her first rule for the funeral is hilariously counterintuitive for the solemn occasion. This grandma told her viewers, “You could cry but don’t cry too much. Don’t make a fool of yourself.”

The following rule was equally as blunt, and its specificity made it even funnier and more relatable for millions of folks on the internet.

“Bertha is not invited! Don’t let her in.” Maybe Grandma Droniak should be able to make her own funeral guest list since it may be more than just Bertha who could potentially ruin the mood.

The next rule was, “you better get drunk afterward. Take a shot for me!” Grandma Droniak is evidently trying to turn her funeral into a rager; hopefully, attendees can respect her wishes, celebrating her life while partying on in her absence.

Besides her hilarious funeral rules, Grandma Droniak has other funny videos that have gotten the internet’s attention.

TikTok; pictured above is Grandma Droniak explaining her funeral rules

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