
Carlina White Was Abducted From A New York Hospital As An Infant And Solved Her Own Case 23 Years Later

On July 15, 1987, baby Carlina White was born in Harlem, New York, to parents Joy White and Carl Tyson.

Both Joy and Carl were over the moon after delivering their baby girl. Then, only nineteen days later, Carlina spiked a dangerously high fever.

Joy and Carl brought Carlina to Harlem Center Hospital on August 4, 1987. Carlina was declared to have an infection stemming from swallowing birth fluids and was put on intravenous antibiotics.

In a terrible turn of events, Carlina’s fever ended up being the least of their worries. Between 2:30 a.m. and 4:00 a.m., their newborn daughter was abducted from the hospital.

The Abduction

After Carlina was checked in for intravenous treatment, Joy decided to stay the night with her child. But, she needed to run home and gather some personal items first.

So, Tyson dropped off his girlfriend at home and went home to get some rest. Soon after falling asleep, he received the dreaded call.

Police informed Tyson that his daughter had been taken while Joy cried hysterically in the background.

National Center For Missing & Exploited Children; pictured above is Carlina as a baby

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