
She Told Her Coworker To Stop Trying To Date Guys That Are Way Out Of Her League And Now Her Manager Wants Her To Say Sorry For Being Mean

She then mentioned to her coworker that none of these men would even be interested in a poor, single mom that doesn’t have a single thing going for her, so she needs to stop fooling herself.

She continued to point out to her coworker that no guy was playing her; they just were not that looking to date her.

“They’ve worked their butts off while you’ve done nothing to improve your life, and you’re ridiculous in thinking you simply existing is enough,” she said to her coworker.

“You bring nothing to the table but a smile, bills, and a kid. Half of them don’t even want kids, what makes you think they’d want yours?”

She wrapped things up by telling her coworker to find a guy more on her level and quit wasting her time on uninterested men.

Her coworker got extremely upset about what she said to her, and after her manager saw her coworker sobbing, she asked her what happened.

Her manager expects her to say sorry to her coworker for “being mean” but she declined to issue an apology.

Do you think she had a right to say all of that to her coworker and make the woman feel bad?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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