A Young Deputy From Georgia Was Recognized For His Heroism In Saving The Lives Of Twins

Greg Countryman, a twenty-two-year-old sheriff’s deputy in Muscogee County, Georgia, is being praised for his quick jump to action in saving the lives of twins.

Countryman was only sworn in just a few months ago and was heading home at the end of his shift on May 16.

But, he received a call that a child had just been rescued from a swimming pool.

Instead of relying on other officers to respond, Countryman raced to the family’s home himself. There, he discovered two-year-old twins– a boy and a girl– lying unconscious beside the pool.

The children’s mother was performing CPR on the girl at the time Countryman arrived. So, he immediately began working on the boy.

“Between the both of us, we were able to get them back to a good state,” Countryman said.

Both children were revived and sent to the Piedmont Columbus Regional’s Pediatric Emergency Department for care. Still, Countryman was not finished– he also went to visit the twins later that evening.

“I went to the hospital, and the kids were watching TV. I was very happy that night seeing them up, watching TV, and able to lay down and feel safe and everything,” Countryman explained.

Facebook; pictured above is Deputy Greg Countryman in the middle

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And just last week, his dedication and heroism were recognized by Piedmont Columbus Regional Healthcare.

“Piedmont Columbus held their First Friday Hero Award Ceremony honoring Deputy Greg Countryman Jr. for his heroic actions in saving the lives of two-year-old twins,” Sheriff Greg Countryman Sr. shared on Facebook.

“We’d like to thank Piedmont Hospital for their gracious hospitality, Congressman Sanford Bishop for also presenting awards, the family of the twins for allowing us to have the honor of seeing your family prospering, and all of the friends, family, and co-workers that attended to show their support,” he continued.

The Facebook post has since gained hundreds of likes and comments sharing congratulations and appreciation for the deputy.

“Great job, young man!” commented one user.

“Congratulations! Thank you for your courageous act of love,” wrote another user.

To view the full Facebook post, visit the link here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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