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After He Found Himself Making A Lot More Money, He Noticed His Female Friends Getting A Lot More Flirtatious With Him

neonshot - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 22-year-old guy has worked incredibly hard to land a career in the technology industry. He admits that his pay has skyrocketed to a crazy amount, and things can only go up from here.

It’s so easy to find how much he does make all in if you just look his career up online, and after he started his new job, everyone he knew began talking about it.

“Just like that a whole bunch of women that I was strictly friends with have been a bit flirtier and started joking around about dating,” he explained.

“It kind of sucks tbh because I considered them to be good friends. Like I wasn’t their type and they weren’t mine, but instead, we became great friends, and I thought that was cool.”

“But looking back I question that narrative. I always cared about my career and people always thought I’d be successful. I’m starting to second guess if they kept me around for that. Probably just my insecurities talking, but still.”

Prior to him starting his new career, all of his female friends were individuals that he was incredibly close to, and he knows that none of them have ever had feelings for him.

Additionally, before he got to where he is now, he did work a job with pretty basic pay, yet not a single one of his female friends paid him any interest.

Suddenly, he’s making around 4 times what he used to, and his friends want to explore being more.

“One of these girls even told me last year that she could never be into me but she wanted to date a guy like me,” he said.

neonshot – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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