
Kim Kardashian Said She Only Had A Little Work Done In A Cover Story, And People Have A Lot Of Questions

Allure writer Danielle Pergament recently sat down with Kim Kardashian for a cover interview. The pair met at Kardashian’s headquarters in Calabasas, and, aside from a plethora of environmental details, people are left with a lot of questions.

Rather than revealing something novel about the billionaire, the interview shared that Kardashian has had relatively little plastic surgery done.

The whole interaction began after Kardashian shared how after her empire falls, she plans on being a facial consultant. Pergament played into this and asked Kardashian to analyze her face.

At first, the celeb was apprehensive– perhaps not wanting to offend her interviewer. After the conversation started to flow, though, Kardashian advised Pergament to get some Botox.

Then, the conversation flipped back to Kardashian herself. In Pergament’s own words, she did push Kardashian a bit– asking her bluntly, “What do you have in your face right now?”

“A little bit of Botox. But I’ve chilled, actually,” Kardashian replied.

Pergament also asked about lip and cheek filler, as well as her eyelashes and eyebrows. Kardashian said she has had nothing done there.

“No. I’ve never had eyelash extensions. I have never done anything. I have a drop of mascara on today. I’ve never filled my cheeks; I’ve never filled my lips,” Kardashian reportedly said.

Instagram; pictured above is Kim

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