American Girl Doll Memes Are Taking Over The Internet, Complete With Outrageously Unhinged Backstories

Humor can be one of the most helpful coping mechanisms. And with so much chaos in the world today, many social media users have found solace in the American Girl doll memes sweeping the internet.
If you have not heard of the memes, let’s provide some context. American Girl is a toy doll company that was founded in 1986 and aimed to “portray eight to fourteen-year-old boys and girls of a variety of ethnicities, faiths, and social classes from different periods throughout history,” according to the company’s website.
In other words, each doll was created with a historical backstory in mind. They all come with their own book detailing their fictional yet historically-accurate travels, and some dolls even earned their own children’s movies.
Over the years, American Girl welcomed praise from the community for educating young women on crucial parts of American history– including the 1970s feminist movement, the Great Depression, and World War II.
So, the “American Girl memes” are a play-off of the dolls’ backstories. Instead of using the narratives American Girl came up with, though, the Instagram account @hellicity_merriman created an ingenious game.
The account’s owner began challenging their Instagram followers to create outrageously unhinged backstories for the dolls.
They are often based on current events, trending topics, or the more unglamorous universal girl experiences. And the memes are undeniably hilarious.
Some fan favorites have included…
Instagram; pictured above is one of the memes from @hellicity_merriman
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“We need an American Girl doll who tried to do her own bikini wax and cried.”
“We need an American Girl doll who developed an early understanding of hookup culture when she binge watched the first season of Jersey Shore at the age of 12.”
“We need an American Girl doll who tried the original Four Loko at a house party in 2011.”
“We need an American Girl doll who broke up with her ex for listening to too much Joe Rogan.”
“We need an American Girl doll who is twenty-seven years old, has no money, no prospects, and is frightened.”
The account posts daily, has almost one hundred and fifty thousand followers, and rakes in tens to hundreds of thousands of likes on each post.
To submit an idea for what American Girl doll “we need” next, you can visit the link here. Or, you can simply enjoy the satire that people around the globe are coming up with daily by visiting the Instagram account linked here.
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