She’s Issuing A Warning On TikTok After She Got Veneers Done In Another Country And It Left Her Looking Like She Had Piano Keys In Her Mouth

If you think that you have one of the worst dentist visit stories out there…think again.

A young woman named Aida (@aida_azizii) on TikTok made a four-part series of videos about her recent experience when she impulsively decided to get her teeth done in a foreign country.

Aida was visiting family in Iran and could not get over how amazing everyone’s teeth looked. Her female cousins were all beautiful and, on top of it, had perfect smiles. Aida really wanted to have teeth like theirs and was told that she should get veneers.

Aida’s cousins tried contacting their go-to dentist, but he was unavailable. That’s when someone suggested going to the dentist of a mutual friend.

Here is where Aida made her mistake – she booked a 7:00 pm appointment with this strange dentist’s office without looking up their social media or any customer reviews.

Aida arrived at the appointment and was taken back to get her teeth worked on by the dental assistant.

The dental assistant encouraged Aida to pick out the whitest shade of veneers because they would fade over time. That was another mistake.

The assistant worked on Aida’s first four bottom teeth, and they were a mess. The four teeth were way too big and were pushing down on her gums.

TikTok; pictured above is Aida

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Aida shows a picture of them in her video and, at the moment, was assured by the dental assistant that they would look much better once they were shaved down.

It had started getting late, so the dental assistant left, and the doctor finally arrived to work on the rest of Aida’s teeth. This is when things started to get a little crazy.

The dentist began asking Aida all sorts of questions about herself. It started off as friendly and normal, but then he started asking her if she was married or engaged. Aida told him, no, and they carried on with their conversation.

After a couple of hours of working on her teeth, the dentist asked Aida if he could take a break. A smoke break that is.

He asked her if she wanted to smoke with him and that although he was in the middle of working on her teeth, it would be totally fine if she used it too.

It seems to be a pretty clear red flag when a dentist asks if you’d like a smoke break in the middle of working on your teeth.

Aida still joined him on his break. The topic of conversation somehow transitioned into Iranian fruit, and the dentist asked her if she liked it.

He then ran to the supermarket to buy her fruit and encouraged her to eat it with more than five fresh veneers on her teeth.

The dentist then pulled out a big shock – a marriage proposal. He asked Aida if she would like to marry him, and she tried her best to politely say no.

After getting over that hurdle, the dentist finally finished putting in Aida’s veneers around 4:00 am. We wish we could say that the results were worth the bizarre interaction, but they certainly were not.

In her video, Aida pulls up a picture of what her teeth looked like when the dentist had finished. They were big, clunky, white squares. Aida hilariously describes them as looking like Tic Tacs or piano keys.

A few days later, Aida returned to the dental office in hopes that she could get them shaved down even more. The appearance hadn’t gotten any better, and she was in a tremendous amount of pain from the pressure the bottom teeth were placing on her gums.

That’s when the dental assistant told her that the doctor would not show up for another five hours. As it turned out, the dental assistant was his fiancé, and it looked like she was not too happy about how flirty he was being with Aida.

Aida reached out to the dentist separately, and he told her that the dental assistant was crazy and that they were not engaged. The dentist still wanted to marry Aida. How did this poor girl find herself in the middle of a love triangle when all she wanted was to get her teeth fixed?

After the saga that had gone down in the sketchy dental office, Aida had finally realized that she would not be receiving anything beneficial from them. It was time to give up.

Aida then did what she admits she should’ve done in the first place and researched a different dentist.

When Aida showed the new dentist her teeth, she said he was “shocked by how bad they were.” He informed her that if she hadn’t gotten them fixed, her bottom teeth would have fallen out in the next few months.

The proper doctor shaved down her teeth and touched them up, giving Aida a much better smile. She still regrets that super white color but jokes that she is everyone’s “portable torch” now.

The entire situation sounds traumatizing, but Aida chooses to embrace the humor of it all.

“I had to laugh,” she says. “Or I would literally cry all the time.”

Aida also uses her viral moment as a chance to give other young and impressionable people a valuable lesson: “Think before you do things! Don’t randomly get your teeth done, do your research!” To view the original TikTok video, visit the link here.

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