This Mom Addressed The Hate She Receives On Social Media Because She Remarried Her Ex-Husband

Georgia Lawrence, a wife and mom from Alabama, recently addressed the ridiculous amount of hate she receives on TikTok about her marriage.

Five years ago, she and her husband, Jeremy, went through a rough patch in their marriage and got divorced.

They both tried to move on and remained separated for nearly two years.

Then, a twist of fate occurred.

“One day, I was driving down the road, and he ended up next to me. He rolled down the window and asked to talk,” Georgia explained.

The pair ended up pulling over on the side of the road and having a true The Notebook moment.

“You know that scene where Noah is all like, ‘What do you want! What do you want!’ That is pretty much exactly what happened,” Georgia continued.

During that conversation, Jeremy also revealed that he never stopped longing for her.

TikTok; pictured above is Georgia

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And afterward, the pair was able to work through their differences, get remarried, and are now raising children together.

However, since sharing her experience on TikTok, Georgia constantly has to fight stigmas surrounding her unconventional love story.

People confront her with rude assumptions and accusations about her relationship’s validity, loyalty, and more– even after being remarried for three years already.

Georgia finally had enough of it and created a TikTok highlighting the statements people often comment or DM her.

“Things I have heard since I shared with the internet that I remarried my ex-husband and how much I love the baby he had while we were apart,” she captioned the video.

And some of the outrageous statements included “You will divorce again,” “That’s not your kid,” “Where is the real mom?” and “You have no self-respect if you go back to an ex.”

The video quickly went viral– gaining four hundred and thirty thousand views, eleven thousand likes, and spurring hundreds of supportive comments.

“I can say that it caught me off guard, but good for you. Congratulations, and thank you for being a positive example for people,” wrote one user.

“Definition of the right person, wrong time! I love the energy you two share!” commented a second user.

“I feel sad for the people who do not understand true love and cannot comprehend this situation,” wrote a third.

Navigating relationships and marriages are never easy. But, the important thing to remember is that every person’s situation is different.

There is never a one-size-fits-all solution for all love stories. So, never judge a book by its cover; instead, take time to learn about others before passing judgment on them.

To hear more from Georgia herself about her marriage and family, visit her TikTok account here. Or, to watch her original video, visit the link here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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