This TikToker Shared The Time A Boomer Accused Her Of Stealing Change At The Drive-Thru Window

Mikey Skates, a creator on TikTok, recently posted a now-viral spoof about boomers paying at checkout counters. He joked about how older folks always drastically overtip on their cheap purchases.

And while the video spurred tons of hilarious comments and reaction videos, one woman named Alex shared her awful experience with an over-tipping boomer back when she was just sixteen years old.

She had worked at an ice cream shop part-time during high school when, one day, a woman ordered a vanilla cone at the drive-thru intercom.

“It was only two dollars,” Alex recalled.

Nonetheless, once the woman pulled up to the service window, she paid with a crisp one hundred dollar bill.

“I first handed her the cone while I was getting her change because it was going to take a while, and I did not want her cone to melt since we lived in Florida,” Alex explained.

But, when she turned around to hand back the ninety-eight dollars of change, the woman was already gone.

Alex was not sure if the woman meant to tip her all of that cash. So, she simply followed her ice cream shop’s protocol.

TikTok; pictured above is Alex in her video

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“I put her change to the side, and we have this rule that if the person does not come back within the next four hours, you get to take that change and split it between all of the workers as a tip,” Alex said.

Yet, for the rest of her shift, the woman did not return. The time finally began approaching the four-hour mark, so Alex decided to start divvying up the change between herself and her coworker.

Then, chaos ensued.

“Literally, two seconds after I split the money, this lady came through the drive-thru. I quickly gathered up all the money again and got it ready for her because I recognized her voice right away in the drive-thru,” Alex recalled.

Nonetheless, the woman still berated teenaged Alex. She screamed about how Alex stole from her for over twenty minutes before finally leaving.

And since sharing the story, Alex’s TikTok has gone viral– gaining over 1.6 million views and two hundred and sixty-five thousand likes. People joked about how the woman was a “Karen” and also told their own service-worker horror stories.

“How DARE you let her drive away,” joked one user, followed by a laughing emoji.

“I had this happen while I worked at the Dollar Tree, and they bought a fifty-cent candy,” commented another user.

“This is why I will never work fast food again,” wrote a third.

To watch Alex’s original video and share your own thoughts, visit the link here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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