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This Woman Feels Like She Cannot Enjoy Anything Due To “Hustle Culture” And Is Seeking Advice To Help Break The Cycle

luengo_ua - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A twenty-four-year-old woman feels like “hustle culture” is killing her.

It all began while she was attending college, and she realized that her chosen major of study did not really interest her anymore.

But, the woman’s parents were footing the bill and forced her to graduate with the degree anyway.

While stressed out about her future career plans, she tried to find something else she was passionate about to occupy her free time and help her mental health.

A newfound hobby eventually turned into a side hustle in an entirely different field.

Yet again, the woman was left feeling stressed out since she did not have an activity meant to solely bring enjoyment rather than income.

She cycled through a few more hobbies that all ended up bringing her no satisfaction. Now, the woman believes she is stuck in a “hustle” mindset.

“I cannot find anything I truly enjoy now due to a mindset of not being good enough to do everything and not being able to enjoy doing these hobbies because I feel like I am not gaining enough or doing as well as others,” the woman explained.

In other words, her psyche has convinced the woman that any activity that does not bring her value or status is not worthwhile. And it is absolutely draining.

luengo_ua – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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