
Her 15-Year-Old Niece Stole Her Car, So She Called The Police And Got Her Arrested But Now Her Family Is Furious

alexshutter95 - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 46-year-old woman lives on a farm along with her kids and her husband. She has a 15-year-old niece named Emma, who recently began living with them after her brother and sister-in-law asked if she could stay there for a bit.

Emma has really gotten into some bad things lately. She drinks, she shoplifts, she fights with other kids at school, and she started dating a guy way older than she is.

This summer, Emma also had an issue where she came close to being arrested, and so, Emma wound up with her.

Her brother was hoping that if Emma stayed with her, Emma could learn how to clean up her act.

“The arrangement was that I would take Emma for the final month of summer, enroll her in school here, and keep her for the first semester,” she explained.

“If all went well, Emma was welcome to stay with us. Otherwise, other options would be explored (those of which are unknown to me).”

“Emma did not do well all through July. Her boyfriend drove over to visit her, to my dismay. I tried to make him leave, but it caused some backlash, so I figured I would set visitation, then ween her time from him more and more.”

To make matters worse, Emma began smoking, stole food, broke items in their home, and went out of her way to be nasty to everyone in the family.

Although none of these things were ideal, she felt she was able to manage Emma.

alexshutter95 – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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