
Her Best Friend From Middle School Is Accusing Her Behind Her Back Of Stealing Her Boyfriend

arthurhidden - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A young woman has a best friend from when she was back in middle school, though they have certainly drifted apart over the years.

Back in middle school, though, she and her best friend also had 2 other friends that they hung out with in a group.

When it came time for them to attend high school, they all chose the same one so they wouldn’t have to be split up.

“Fast forward to our freshman year of high school, this friend of mine has a huge crush on this boy that she has math class with,” she explained.

“She would tell us all the time about how cute he is and how much she likes him. After a couple of months of pursuing him, he rejects her, and she was left devastated. I am not sure if it was related to how hurt she was, but she moved schools soon after.”

The following year, the other girls in their friend group wound up dropping out of high school or switching schools, and she was left with no friends in her own school.

She tried her best to make new friends, but that went terribly. She wound up becoming friends with the boy her best friend had a crush on, as they shared several classes.

Then, he turned out to be the only friend that she had at school.

During her junior year of high school, she went through a breakup with her boyfriend, and this boy that was her only friend and her best friend’s crush was her shoulder to cry on.

arthurhidden – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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