
Scientists Highlighted 5 Surprising Ways Open Relationships Are More Beneficial Than Monogamy

CNMs, on the other hand, offer participants a larger social support network that can be relied upon in rotation. So, the study ultimately concluded that a CNM arrangement could help lower levels of stress and other adverse psychological outcomes.

5. CNM Relationships Cannot Fail

This fifth and final benefit may come as a shock. After all, traditional marriages that dissolve are considered “failed relationships,” right? Well, in the case of a polyamorous relationship, for example, a new relationship does not necessarily mean that the prior one dissolved– or, in other words, failed.

So, this idea of having a “successful” versus “failing” relationship is virtually nonexistent with CNMs. And even just cutting out that black-and-white way of thinking can help nurture more thoughtful and open-minded connections.

Is Monogamy On The Way Out? 

It is safe to say that traditional relationships and marriages will probably not be going anywhere anytime soon. But, people across the United States are seeking out CNMs in growing numbers.

According to a 2020 poll conducted by YouGov, a shocking thirty-two percent of U.S. adults shared that their ideal relationship would be non-monogamous in some way, shape, or form. Plus, nearly twenty-five percent of Americans reported already being in a non-monogamous relationship.

So, it may be time to slash the stigma surrounding CNMs and look at the now scientifically proven benefits– because it appears that a lot of Americans are already cashing in on them. To read the study’s complete findings published in SAGE journals, visit the link here.

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