
She Was Guilted Into Baking A Cake For Her Cousin With The Promise Of Pay, But Then Her Cousin Ghosted Her, Never Paid And Actually Reached Out Four Months Later Asking For Another Cake

Then, she decided to call Janice out for the inconsistencies and told her it was really funny how she was asking for another birthday cake after claiming that the last one was so terrible.

Still, though, Janice would not knock it off. Instead, she received an extremely long nasty message in which Janice called her every name in the book. Plus, Janice’s mother even texted her and accused her of being rude and greedy.

“So, I told Janice’s mother to shut up and pay me before I call the police on them,” she revealed. Yikes!

And after that, all of her family members from that side of the family started blowing up her phone and calling her a jerk for refusing to make the cake and disrespecting an elder.

This forced her to just block all of them and leave her family group chat. And she gained the support of her own mother on that decision– who claims that her refusal was justifiable. Her grandma and brother also agreed.

However, her mom does believe that telling Janice and Janice’s mother to shut up, along with calling them other choice words, was the wrong thing to do.

Anyway, now, she has been left wondering if she was somehow the jerk in this entire situation after baking a cake she never wanted to make for free.

Can you believe Janice had the nerve to reach out again after not paying the first time? What about Janice’s claims that they hated the first cake? If you were in her shoes, would you have handled this situation any differently? If so, how? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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