
These Freaky Stories About Paranormal Activity In People’s Homes Will Probably Keep You Up Tonight

“But, when I came to the stairs that separated my room from the front door, I saw this… thing? It almost resembled a person, and it was pitch black and crawling up the stairs. It cracked its neck to look up at me, and I ran.”

“Then, I called my boyfriend, and he was not there yet. So, I hid in my room until he came.”

“And the last [story] happened after my family moved out. We rented the house for a while, and the tenant complained of similar things that we experienced in our first few months there.”

“He went out of town and left his dog in the garage. His friend came to check on it, and the dog was missing.”

“He later found that dog– which was fine, just scared– locked in the crawl space that was completely separate from the garage and two doors away from where the dog was left. This crawl space was the worst place in the house for negative activity.”


They Were Never Supposed To Go In The Woods Behind Their House

“I live in the Midwest, and the stuff that goes on around my house is pretty messed up. We never really said it out loud, but no one ever went in the woods behind the house. It was like an unspoken rule, and even inside the house with the window facing the woods, my parents only closed the curtains for that specific window.”

“To the right of my house is a very large field we use to plant corn or soybeans for our farm. And behind our house is miles of woods. Our neighbors live about a fifteen-minute drive away. So, we are separated by a lot of miles.”

“I remember growing up as a kid, and me and my sister and brother would play this game called ghost in the graveyard. It’s basically hide and seek, but it was in our long driveway and front yard, and you play it at night.”

“But, I remember one July when I was nine, my cousins and I were playing ghost in the graveyard. One older cousin was kind of a jerk, though, and wanted to play in the woods because it was ‘scarier.’ And with us being kids, we played in the woods.”

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