
He And His Wife Decided Over Christmas It’s Time For A Divorce, But Then His Wife Found Out That She’s Pregnant, Yet He Still Wants To Leave Her

Viacheslav Yakobchuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A 29-year-old guy has been with his 27-year-old wife for a little less than a decade, and they tied the knot less than 2 years ago.

He and his wife met when they were both back in college, and since then, they have gone on to be one another’s first serious relationship, as well as the first time they each experienced falling in love.

He really does still love his wife, but as the years have gone on, he’s come to realize they just are not compatible.

Additionally, he’s finding himself growing more and more resentful of his wife too.

“We only started living together after marriage, and the true cracks have started to show; my wife has never had any friends, whereas I have always had a group of close friends since primary school,” he explained.

“Some of the issues we have are she doesn’t want me going to see my friends more than once every 1/2 months as I should be licking to spend time with her over my friends. This is the same with my parents as I should be picking to spend time with her over my mum and dad.”

“If I do go out, I have a strict curfew, and she will show up to where I am if I haven’t replied to her messages within 20/30 mins.”

Another major issue in their relationship comes down to the bedroom. He’s pretty high-drive in this regard, and his wife is not.

This has caused his wife to say she’s only serving his needs and isn’t interested in being intimate with him anymore.

Viacheslav Yakobchuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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