Her Daughter Called Her Out For Treating Her Differently Than Her Sister, And She Said It’s Because She’s In A Different Financial Situation

Natalya - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Natalya - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 49-year-old woman is a single mom with 2 daughters. She has Jess, who is 28, and Jennie, who is 17.

Back when she was in college, she got pregnant with Jess, which understandably was difficult. But then, 2 years after Jess was born, Jess’s dad sadly passed away.

She managed to graduate and get a one-bedroom apartment for her and Jess, but money was so tight she was barely surviving.

“Throughout Jess’s childhood, whenever she asked for something, I would have to say no because we couldn’t afford it,” she explained.

“She stopped asking me for things around the time she was 10, and by 16, she had a job. A year later, Jess came to me and asked if I could pay for her half of her college tuition. I said that I couldn’t because I was still working at a low-wage job and needed money for Jennie.”

Jess was so upset with her that she stopped speaking to her completely. It was only when Jess moved to a different city for college that they kind of started speaking again, but it wasn’t with much regularity.

A year after Jess started college, she met a man named Sam, to who she is now married to.

She says that Sam really changed her life and Jennie’s life as well. She and Jennie moved in with Sam.

When she and Sam got married, they chose a gorgeous Hawaiian resort, but she never invited Jess to come to the wedding, as she was positive Jess wouldn’t have the money to fly there.

Natalya – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“Jess somehow found out that we got married, and she blew up my phone,” she said. “She was furious that she didn’t get an invitation.”

“I told her I thought we were being considerate because she was fresh out of college and couldn’t afford a trip to Hawaii. I also reminded her that we didn’t speak for years and only texted here and there.”

Her wedding happened 5 years ago, and since then, she and Jess have been speaking more consistently.

This past Monday, Jess even came over to her house for a visit. While Jess was there, Jennie asked if she could pay for her to go to college.

She did say yes in front of Jess, and as soon as Jennie walked away, Jess absolutely freaked out.

Jess demanded to know why she hadn’t offered to help her pay for her college education, and Jess also was irate that Jennie would be getting a free ride while she was still trying to pay down her college debt.

“I told her that circumstances were different and we’re better financially,” she continued. “…She said that it wasn’t fair and that she wasn’t even invited to my wedding or given a plane ticket to come.”

“I had enough and snapped and told her to get over it since it’s been years. She stormed off, and we haven’t spoken since I told Sam and a couple of my friends, and they’re conflicted.”

She admits that she has treated both of her daughters differently, and she’s wondering if that’s wrong. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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