
If You Don’t Want To Tank Your Twenties, Then Avoid These Common Pitfalls At All Costs

6. Doing Things You Feel “Obligated” To

When you are young, you are given tons of opportunities in every sector of your life. And while saying “yes” can expose you to new people and experiences, it is also important to learn how to say “no” when you really want to.

Stop taking on responsibilities or agreeing to do things that you know are not for you. Avoid following the pack and saying “yes” just because you feel obligated or pressured to do what your friends or parents think you should be doing.

By forging your own path and staying true to your own journey, you will save yourself a lot of time and mental health burnout.

7. Comparing Yourself To Others

It’s time to leave the social media cr*p behind. I know we are all addicted to one app or another, and social platforms can honestly be a great way to learn new things and keep up with friends and family.

But, if you are still getting pulled down the same “comparison” rabbit hole, then maybe you need to take a break or cut social media out of your life entirely.

I don’t mean to scare you, but our twenties are the prime of our lives. Appreciate your beauty, your accomplishments, and your interests now.

In a few decades, you don’t want to wake up and regret how much time you wasted wishing you looked like someone else or had what someone else had when, the entire time, you already were everything you needed all along.

8. Being Afraid Of Being Alone

This final pitfall is a real way to tank your twenties, and it applies to so many areas of our lives.

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