She Found Out That Her Husband Had Been Secretly Canceling Her Son’s Job Applications So He Would Stay Home And Care For Their Younger Disabled Son, So She Blew Up On Her Husband And Rented Her Son An Apartment 

gzorgz - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
gzorgz - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman and her husband have a son named Aiden, who is twenty-three. And after Aiden graduated from college, he moved back into her home– just like her husband wanted.

Now, her husband’s original plan was to have their son live with them for free.

However, while Aiden was at home, he was expected to help out with his disabled younger brother– her other son– who is sixteen.

Eventually, though, her son did start to complain about needing money and wanted to find himself a job.

But, for whatever reason, her husband was seriously against that– and even offered to start doubling Aiden’s allowance.

Still, her son simply was not happy just staying at home all of the time. So, he began searching for jobs “here and there” over the last year. But, not one of Aiden’s job applications ever resulted in an interview or hire.

“He would just apply, and they never got back to him,” she said.

And as you can imagine, both she and her son were seriously confused. Well, that was until just recently, when she found out that her husband was actually canceling all of the job applications behind her son’s back!

Apparently, her husband would wait until Aiden applied for a job. Then, her husband would impersonate their son using his email and withdraw the applications.

gzorgz – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

So, after finding out about this shady behavior, she just could not believe it and ended up blowing up on her husband.

According to her, though, he tried to justify his actions by claiming that he wanted to make sure their younger son was cared for by Aiden.

Moreover, her husband said that Aiden had been a big help in caring for their sixteen-year-old and believed that if Aiden got a job, then their younger son’s care would be affected.

But, she could not have disagreed with her husband more about how Aiden should be starting out his young adult life.

So, she actually took it upon herself to rent her son an apartment and told Aiden he could live there for free until he was able to find a job and take over paying the rent himself.

And, of course, her son was beyond hurt after finding out what his father had been doing. Plus, her husband is now furious at her for going ahead and moving their son out without his knowledge.

In fact, she even got accused of being “unhinged,” splitting up their sons, and teaching Aiden how to be selfish and care more about getting a job than taking care of the family.

“[My husband] also said it was a huge decision for me to rent an apartment without even running it by him,” she added.

So, ever since then, her husband has been giving her hell and calling her a terrible mother for “encouraging” her son to be self-centered.

He is also claiming that she needs to understand why he blocked the job applications in the first place.

Anyway, now, with her husband completely livid and Aiden seriously upset with his father, she has been left wondering if moving her son out into an apartment after finding out what her husband did was the best way to handle the situation or not.

Is it normal for children to start searching for jobs and have goals of moving out following college graduation? Why do you think her husband expected Aiden to stay at home for an indefinite amount of time instead of finding a dedicated caretaker? Do you think it was fair of her husband to deceive Aiden and manipulate him into caring for his brother? Did she have a right to get her son out of this situation and move him into an apartment?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek
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