She Found The Engagement Ring Her Boyfriend Was Hiding For His Best Friend And After She Found Out It Wasn’t For Her She Furiously Gave Him An Ultimatum

torriphoto - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual ring
torriphoto - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual ring

A 26-year-old man has been dating his 24-year-old girlfriend named Laura for a little more than 2 years.

They met at the same college, and their relationship has been wonderful since they started dating.

They get along great, they want the same things out of life, and they’re in love. This guy can absolutely envision his future with Laura.

He hasn’t made any steps towards having a forever with Laura, but his best friend Rob was planning on doing just that.

Rob had been dating his girlfriend Grace for 7 years, and he was ready to pop the question to her. So, Rob asked this guy if he would take the engagement ring he had bought for Grace and hide it for him.

Rob was very concerned that Grace would find the ring if he hid it in their place, and so this guy was happy to hold onto it for him until the time came to propose.

He thought he found a great hiding spot; in the back of his sock drawer. Recently, Rob asked for the ring so he could propose to Grace, and she said yes.

Grace naturally shared a photo of them to celebrate their engagement on Instagram, and the ring was noticeable in the photo.

“Literally five minutes after she posted, Laura rang me absolutely fuming,” this guy said. “She told me she’d found that ring three weeks ago, so why had I given it to Rob for Grace when I’d clearly chosen it especially for her?”

torriphoto – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual ring

“Was Grace mocking her with her post, just rubbing her nose into the fact that she’d “stolen” her ring?”

“I tried to talk her down and explain that I’d just been keeping it safe for Rob and that I’d never intended to propose to her with it but that only made her more upset, and she started screaming at me that I’d absolutely built up her hopes and just destroyed them.”

“She hung up on me, then texted me that I had three months to propose to her with “a better ring than Grace’s” or she’s going to break up with me.”

He thinks this is a huge red flag that Laura is giving him this kind of an ultimatum. He understands she was looking forward to being proposed to, but he never thought he would be in this kind of situation.

“I know that she probably was really excited, and I absolutely never meant to hurt her feelings with all of this, but the ring was never for her, and she should never have known about it,” he continued.

He does not live with Laura, so that means she really had to be digging around in his personal things to even find the ring in the first place.

He knows he is not ready to marry Laura since they have only spent 2 years together and have never even moved in yet.

He also never brought up the topic of marriage to Laura, and he thinks they should be living together for a minimum of a year before taking that next step and getting engaged.

He’s left feeling like he’s not sure what to do. Laura hasn’t apologized to him for blowing up, and he’s not positive they can move forward after this.

How would you deal with this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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