
4 Things You Should Definitely Sit Down And Talk To Your Partner About Before Getting Engaged

#2: Having Children

If you are planning on getting engaged, this is a serious topic that should be addressed. Each of us has our idea of what the future looks like, but once you decide to become engaged, there is another human being with their version of the future. So, first, you need to talk about when/if children are something you two want.

Some other children-related topics you can talk about include:

-If one of you already has children, what does custody look like in the future?

-If one of you already has children, do you want more children, or are you open to more children in the future?

-If neither of you has children, do you want them?

-What will the plan be if you want children, but one/both of you are infertile? Is adoption, IVF, or surrogacy on the table?

-Who will be the primary caregiver once the baby arrives?

-What will your parenting styles look like?

-How will you both balance co-parenting with careers?

The more discussions about children and raising children you can find common ground with early, the less likely that disagreements about this topic will poison the relationship.

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