
Don’t Throw Away Any Eggshells, Because You Can Use Them To Benefit Your Garden, And Here’s How

isavira - - illustrative purposes only

With eggs currently costing as much as they do, it’s essential that we really get our money’s worth out of them. Food waste is not economical.

Instead of throwing away your eggshells after cooking up your breakfast scramble, make the most of them by using them in your outdoor garden or indoor houseplants.

Eggshells can actually do wonders for your garden. They have the ability to revitalize plants that are struggling to thrive.

Since they are rich in calcium, they serve as a healthy fertilizer that can be absorbed by your plants’ roots.

However, upon learning this tip, many people use their eggshells incorrectly by simply tossing pieces of shell into the soil. The issue with this method is that it takes much longer for the plants to soak up the minerals.

So if you want to give your plants a near-instant calcium boost, the best way to do so is by grinding them into a fine powder.

Yes, it takes a few more steps than just dumping whole shells into the dirt, but the benefits you’ll reap from your prospering garden are worth it.

In a video with over three million views, TikToker Pam Parish (@pamparish) is demonstrating the most beneficial way to use the shells for her garden. She started by cracking 32 eggs and made sure to save the shells.

Then, she places the shells on a large oven-safe platter and pops them into the oven to dry them out, leaving them in for several hours at 180 degrees until they begin to brown.

isavira – – illustrative purposes only

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